Stretch & Challenge
Potential Charities to raise money for:
Ehlers - Danlos Support UK
One idea we have had is to make tea and coffee and cake and sell it to raise money. We could also raise money by making a proffesional photoshoot and taking pictures of people for them.

This is one of the possible charities that I would like to raise money for. I have chosen this charity as I have this disability and I would like to see more awareness and more money being put to help people live with this illness. I feel like people need to be more educated about invisible illnesses, as a lot of the time chronically ill people are overlooked because they have learnt to cope with their illness, but they still need as much help as someone with a visible illness.
They have a fundraising pack and an email that can be contacted with any queries which will help me if i want to pursue the fundraising with this charity.
I have emailed this charity about fundraising opportunities.

Cats Protection League UK

I would like to raise money for this charity as I have 4 cats and I got two of my cats from this charity and I think it is important to look after the cats. I think it is really important to look after the cats and make sure that they have homes and are happy. They also raise awareness for black cats which are less likely to get homes because people think that they are bad luck.
I have emailed this charity about fundraising opportunities,
This is a similar charity to EDS UK as they support Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and other similar diseases. This would be a good charity to support to raise awareness.

Young Minds Charity

The Childrens Trust

This is a good charity to fundraise for as I know they help a lot of young children. I am already a volunteer here in my spare time.
This is a good charity to raise money for as mental health needs more attention especially for teenagers who it affects the most.
I would like to raise money for this charity as I have this disease as well and it is not well known at all. I have chosen this charity as I have this disability and I would like to see more awareness and more money being put to help people live with this illness. I feel like people need to be more educated about invisible illnesses, as a lot of the time chronically ill people are overlooked because they have learnt to cope with their illness, but they still need as much help as someone with a visible illness.
I have contacted this charity as well.

Final Choice:
I have chosen to raise money for EDS UK. They are the most important charity too me and I would like to raise money for them.
I have chosen this charity as I have a personal connection with this charity as I have EDS. I would like to see the money that I raise to be put towards expanding the research for the EDS III or to helping make life easier for people with the illness. I would also like them to devote more of their attention to pain management and finding more successful medication for people to take.
To begin fundraising for this chairity, I emailed them using an email that was on their website, they then messages back to me and they sent me a fundraising pack.
Fundraising Ideas:

This is one of my fundraising ideas. I thought that me, Charlotte and Rebecca could wear stripy clothing because the mascot for the disease is the zebra, and then get some of those money boxes from their website and go around the college or the town centre and ask for donations and maybe give out stickers or pins or something that people can wear to show their support as well. We could do this over the span of two days because not everyone will be in college on one day so by doing it on two days there will be more people able to donate.

Another idea that we had was getting a secondary school to throw an own clothes day where they charge like £2 to wear your own clothes.
We can then go to the school with buckets and get the money from the students and give out stickers.
We cannot do this idea because the planned school said no. We have decided to let people use the lift for the main building and making them pay to use it. This will raise money as a lot of people have classes up a lot of stairs so it will help them and raise money for the charity as well.

Responses from Charities:
Primary Research

These are the questions that I am going to ask. These will let me find out who the target audience is.
The first and second question will allow us to find out who the target audience is. this means we will know who we need to target.
The next questions are about our project. It will let us know what people think about our ideas.
The last question is so that we have some other ideas incase people dont like the lift idea.

Here are the results from the research form. The majority of people said that it was a good idea and that they would participate. One person said that they would not use it unless it is a Tuesday, so we could do our fundraiser on the Tuesday because people going to PPD would rather use the lift then walk. This would boost our sales more because everyone has to get up there. Our target audience will be lazy media students
We could also get posters from their website and put it up around the lift so people know what the charity is.

These will be good to raise awareness in the lift whilst people are travelling from different floors. There is 20 in the pack so there will be a good variety around the room.
I will pay for them, the posters are free but I will need to pay for postage only.

This is a poster that i made to go up around the college. It tells the people when our event is taking place, where and how much money. I used a zebra stripe background because the mascot is the zebra.
New Fundraising Idea
We were not allowed to use the lift according to some women. We decided that our new idea would be that we would do a professional photoshoot for people to use on their instagram or social medias. We will need to get each person to sign a model release form so that we have permission to take their picture. We would set up both of the studios in an edgy way and then make each person pay £1 which would raise money for charity. We would get each persons email and then we would be able to email the pictures to them afterwards. We would use the EDS Logo as a watermark in the corner so that people see what the charity is and it would raise awareness.