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University Courses That I Find Appealing: 

Graphic Communication - University for the Creative Arts

To join this course, it would cost £9250 for one year.


This course is appealing to me as it teaches elements of graphic design but it also includes typography and advertising which is interesting to learn as well. 

The student halls are on campus. The prices are above. 

After graduating, I would be able to become a Graphic Designer, Branding, Typographer, Advertising, Editorial Design and freelance design. I think I would be most interested in Freelance design, or graphic design. 

Graphic Design - University for the Creative Arts

This course is similar to the previous one, however this course focuses more on how to design things for advertisement and websites.


I think this course would be interesting as I would be able to merge by experience with drawing and photography to create pieces of graphic design. 

There are different prices based on where the accomadation is. 

If I went to this course, I would be able to become a Graphic Designer, Editorial Designer, Advertising, Interactive design and branding. 

Work Experience - Cats Protection League

I would like to work here because I would like to raise awareness for this charity whilst also expanding my photographical skills. 

I have contacted these people and I am going to do maybe 30 hours of work experience there in Bredhurst. 

Illustration - University Arts London

This course would be appealing adit combines some areas of graphic design with art.

They have 3D printing and Printmaking studios. 

It will cost £9250 per year and then additional costs such as travel and accommodation. 

If I went into this course, I could go into animation, motion graphics, and interactive media.

Photography - University Arts London

This course is appealing if I want to carry on my learning in Photography.

The course costs £9250 for one year, and then there is additional travel costs and accommodation. 

If i go to this course I will be able to become a photographer. 

Different Progression Routes:

University - PROS: Learn to live like an adult       CONS:  Long time, expensive.    FINANCE: £9000 a year. You only pay it off when you earn £25000 a year. 

Internships - PROS: You get experience   CONS: No pay     FINANCE: no pay

Apprenticeship - PROS: Experience and pay and you can meet potential employers   CONS: low pay and menial work FINANCE:

Employment - 

Self Emplyment -  PROS: work your own hours     CONS: unstable income

5 Year Plan:

In five years I want to be a freelance artist/graphic designer. I will probably get a part time job in retail as my income from the artist job will be unstable and i will need enough to make a living from. I have already started my career as an Artist. I run an online shop, and post work on social media so that people can see what I am doing. Recently, I have started doing pop up stalls around Kent, this has allowed more people to see my work in person and I give out business cards so people can see my work. I would also like to go into the graphic design industry as I like designing websites and posters for advertisement, and I could use my qualification in Photography to help me with this. I will get a cheap flat or apartment but make sure that I have a good amount of room to have a good setup, like room for a desk and places to keep my art until they are sold, and a separate area to work on fluid pieces like acrylic/silicone or alcohol inks. I would need to live somewhere well connected to the internet as a lot of my promotion/ sales will be through there and easily accessible so that people can come to see my work and that I can travel to sell my work to different places. 

SWOT Analysis:

Strengths: I can draw. I have already started my career which is good as it means that I will be further in becoming successful than if i hadn't started. 

Weaknesses: I am not very good at promoting my work as much as i would like. I am looking into part time courses where they teach you how to start your own businesses so that I can improve at talking to customers and promoting my work so that people will buy it. 

I would also like to be able to gain confidence to 

Opportunities: I could look into expanding my business, like collaborating with bigger artists or companies.

Threats: Other people stealing my work. People not being interested in my products. Never becoming successful. 

Draftting an email to photographers asking for advice: 

Hello. My name is Kira. 

I am a Student studying Photography and I was wondering how you managed to start a business? Ive seen your social media pages and I love your work. I was curious how you found your photography style? Im very stuck as i'm not sure what style i want to do and how to get my name out into the world. What qualifications do you have? How do you promote your work? What equipment did you start out with? What oppurtunities did you have that helped you to start your business?

Thank you for reading this and I look forward to your response. 

Kira Williams

Advice from the Falmouth Talk: 

Nathan from falmouth is a man who goes around to other high education places and shows them the different progression opportunities. 

Go to more than one open day - It is important to see a range of universities even if you think the first one is good because everywhere has different facilities and options that you may like more than the first one. 

He explained about how useful everyone is in the creative industry. How drama students need photographers or head shots, and photographers need artists to draw so they have something to shoot for their portfolio. 

Photographers are especially important in advertisement 

Louis Mason worked with Cadburys. He worked in Advertising and he spoke about what he did with cadburys and advertisement. He helped to create the games that were on the Cadburys website. He made a tool where people could choose a cow online and adopt it. He used a drone to add pictures of the farm to the map but some areas were private property so they found it hard to get all of the footage that they needed. 




Analysing job adverts: 

After looking at job adverts, I found that a lot of the jobs are on location jobs. The jobs description said about going to their location, which would mean I would have to make sure my equipment is portable. The jobs also required the candidates to be able to meet deadlines and work quickly. They also pay for the expenses. 

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