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Ethics and Laws: 

Laws are rules that you can be arrested for if you break. 

Ethics are morals that you cannot be arrested for, but they are good to abide by. 

The harassment law stops people from being harassed by photographers. People can sue for this. The privacy law gives people the right to privacy in their homes. The children law means that people in care  or people that are vulnerable have the right to refuse their photo being taken. 

If you are photographing people in a public place then there are no laws against you doing this, however some people may think it is unethical, but there is nothing stopping you. You can take a picture of someone dying. It is unethical but there is nothing stopping you. 

You can shoot in a public space looking into a private place, as long as it is not an invasion of privacy (looking into someones window)

If you are shooting airports, prisons, government buildings or military buildings, you could be arrested for being a terrorist.


If you are shooting on private property for commercial reasons, you need model release forms or place release forms.  

If you are shooting on private property and you do not have permission then you are trespassing and you have to leave. 

Risks and Hazards: 

A risk is the chance of something hurting you. 

A hazard is what will actually hurt you, like wires or electricity. 

In a photographic studio, some of the main risks would be hot lights, wires, tripping, and explosions. Thsese would be a risk for  everyone that is in the studio at the time. These could be stopped by making sure that there is no food or drink in the studuo, and that people are aware of their surroundings. 

Shooting in a public space, there are risk of being run over, other people falling over the equipment, and tripping over. These could be stopped by making sure that people do not come near the location, and making sure that all wires are placed on the floor so that people are less likely to fall over them. You could have those yellow and black tape that hold down wires and make them more obvious for people to see them. 

Model Release Form:

A model release form is a legal contract that means the image can be used for marketing. It is signed by thr photographer and the model. 

If the image will be used commercially then a model release form will be needed. If not then there will not be one needed. 

This model release form was from the AOP website. 

Banned Adverts

This is an advert for PETA in Canada. It is saying how eating meat is bad. I think this was banned because it is comparing women to meat and animals which can be eaten. This would be wrong as it is objectifying women and comparing them to a cow. It could also be seen as sexist as she is in an objectifying position and she is not wearing many clothes. It shows the lack of equality between men and women because it is implying that men are superior to women. She is trying to use her body to make vegetarianism look sexy but that is not the right message to send. 

This is an advert showing how people that want to go to the beach have to look like the lady in the poster. It is promoting weight loss and body fitness. This is saying to women that they can only go to the beach and wear revealing clothes if they look like this. People made complaints because it was "promoting unhealthy body imageS"

This is an advert for smoking. It is the first advert in 50 years which show people smoking. She is the only character in the advert, so the viewer will only be watching her. she was speaking very seductively and she was using double entrances to make references to sexual activity. The advert was banned because it is promoting smoking which the government are trying to stop because it is bad for you and it kills. It could also be influencing young people into smoking because she is making it seem fashionable and saying how cool it is. 

This is an advert about a car.In the video, he is driving and then he gets a text from a girl and he looks away from the windscreen to look at it and then he takes his hands off the wheel. This advert was banned because it is promoting dangerous driving and checking texts and that is illegal now in  the uk. The car company argued against the claims and said that " the screen has displayed the text message to avoid distraction and at eye level so the driver stayed focused on controlling the car."

E-Cigarette Advert

Vape is banned from being broadcast if it is nicotine containing. 

I will need to make sure that our broadcast and non broadcast adverts do not promote smoking but only promote the products themselves. 

The adverts on this page are some adverts related to vape. I don't like the style of the one on the right. 

I do not like the one on the right because I think it looks quite childish. I think the font style is not very good. I also think that there is too much writing on the page and it makes it look cluttered and messy. The advert with the black background is better than the one on the right because it has a cleaner and more sophisticated font and layout. The majority of the advert is blank space, with the bright white circle in the middle, which creates a tidy and clean feel to the advert. The typography used is all sophisticated, and the product has been advertised plainly in the corner, whereas the other advert had writing related to the product everywhere on the page and it became overwhelming. The simple design is better because it allows the viewers to pick the information up easier. 

ASA Codes: 

Rule 22.10 States that we cannot have anyone under the age of 25 have a significant role in the adverts for the product. 

Rule 22.8 states that we cannot influence non smokers or young people. 

Rule 21.1 states that we cannot advertise products containing tobacco. 

Rule 22.5 states that we cannot make any health claims, such as it being "healthier than smoking tobacco", unless it has been approved by the MHRA. 

We will also need to make sure that our advert does not appeal to people under the age of 18, or based around youth culture. 

We will need to make sure that our products will not contain nicotine as it will not be allowed to be a video, and if there is nicotine in the print, then it has to be clearly labelled on the print. 

Initial Ideas: 

I like the clear and refreshing feel of the advert to the right, and i think that something similar to this advert would show off our product well.

We will be able to create an ad similar to this one if we used a studio, and then used Photoshop to edit some writing on top of it. We would use a spotlight to make the main focal point the product, and then use contrasting colours with the writing to make it stand out. 

I liked the simplicity of the video ad above, however to keep the viewers engaged i think there should be some video of the product whilst there is also writing. There could be some clips in the advert of someone smoking it, however we need to make sure it isn't someone underaged, or we could do some shots showing he different buttons on it and how it looks to make it seem more attractive. we will need to make sure that we are not encouraging smoking like the previous video advert because that would violate the ASA Codes. 

It may be hard to create a clip of someone smoking it as we are not allowed to smoke in the studio for health and safety reasons, however if we did it outside then the background will be different to the rest of the video and the wind may blow the smoke away. 

This is a good advert because it is quite clean and simple to look at. There is no one smoking in it so there would be no risk of promoting smoking amongst youth, but it goes quite slow and i began to lost interest whilst watching because it was all text and there was no pictures or other video. It could have been sped up but then it risks being too fast to read. It did not risk violating many of the rules because there was no one in it for the rules to be broken.  

Referencing articles

This is an advert for smoking. It is the first advert in 50 years which show people smoking. She is the only character in the advert, so the viewer will only be watching her. she was speaking very seductively and she was using double entrances to make references to sexual activity. The advert was banned because it is promoting smoking which the government are trying to stop because it is bad for you and it kills. It could also be influencing young people into smoking because she is making it seem fashionable and saying how cool it is. 

The image to the right is also good with its simplicity because it is not promoting smoking amongst youth or saying that it is healthier, it is just showing how it is less messy than coffee. 

I think that in our adverts we should use a bold writing so that it stands out. It also makes the advert seem professional, compared to the advert to the top right where the typography is quite messy and it isnt as aesthetically pleasing as the other advert to the right. 

Proposal - 

Summary of Final Ideas: We are going to make two similar looking adverts. They will be simple and easy to understand. There will be sophisticated fonts around the edges of the adverts which speak about the product. 

Target Audience: Adults that have previously smoked and are looking to change what they are smoking. Age 20+ to 50. 

Summary of Research: Through research I found that the simpler adverts are more effective at getting their point across as the information is easier to see. 

Camera Man: Kira

Video: Ben

Props: An e - cigarette to film. studio lights and a plain backdrop. 

Schedule: 1 test shoot on Tuesday or Wednesday. Video and Photo advert final shoot on friday morning, and edit in friday afternoon. 

Plan for friday: Finish the risk assessment and make a mindmap of video and poster ideas. In the second period we will shoot the film and begin editing. In the third period we will finish editing and make the evaluation. In the fourth period we will make sure we have everything we need for the product and finish anything missing. 

Script for the film: We will take lots of panning and zoom shots of the pen in different angles. We wll then edit them all together and add a mix of writing about the product into it explaining what the product is like. 

Contact Sheet: 

This is my contact sheet for the poster advertisement. At first my images came out really yellow, this was because I had not set the white balance. I need to edit my pictures to make them brighter and clearer. 

I made this image brighter by using the exposure setting available in NEF, and I then added brightness and contrast to make the image seem more inviting. I gave the image a blue tint to match the liquid inside, It also creates a refreshing feel to the image. 

To add the writing, I used the text tool on Photoshop. I used this font because it is quite bold and simple. I feel that an italic or messy font would clash with the style of the advert. I took these  images using a plain white backdrop. I then added a bright spotlight on the top right side of the object. 

When editing this, I added a small section at the bottom of the advert which reads "18+ only. May contain nicotine". When looking at the other adverts, I saw that they had these terms at the bottom of their page. I added them which made my poster safe against rule 22.8 which states that we cannot influence young smokers, and rule 21.1 which states we cannot sell products that contain nicotine. 

Second Poster:
First Poster:
Third Poster: 

This is the second image that I have taken and edited. I used the rule of thirds to make this image aesthetically pleasing. I used a tint filter on photoshop to take out the blue that was in the previous photo. After doing this, i preferred the blue because it linked in with the colour of the liquid that was in the pen.  I made the font bigger than the previous poster, which i think looks better because there is less blank space. I also moved the title so that it follorwd the line of the product. I like this better than the last one because it makes the advert flow a bit better and everything feels more linked. 

On this last poster, i used the rule of thirds again because it made the image look more aesthetically pleasing, but i zoomed in on the main part of the pen which filled up more of the image. I then decided to break up the writing. I like it on the title but not with the bottom left part because it is harder to read.

First Poster
Second Poster
Third Poster

This is the first poster that i made in the environmental background. I used a different font which I think was better than the last one as it made it look more modern. I added a shadow on the back of the writing which made it pop out more and draw the viewers eye towards the writing. 

This is the second poster that I have created. I used a shallow aperture to only focus on the product. I used photoshop to make the product straight as i had taken it on a slight angle. I used levels to add more contrast to the product. 

Risk Assessment

One risk is that if in our video there may be people smoking the product. The Video man Ben is asthmatic so we would have to make sure that he has any appropriate medication or inhalers so that we don't trigger his asthma. 

Another risk could be the wires from the lights in the studio. we will have to make sure that they are not trailing on the floor everywhere and make sure that people are wary of their surroundings. 

We will make sure that the lights do not overheat when we are using them. This means turning them off regularly and not touching the bulb because they heat up quickly. 


This is the last poster that I have created. I used the same editing techniques as the two above and I used the rule of thirds to make the image seem aesthetically pleasing. Overall, I prefer the environmental shots over the stdio shots because the fonts are nicer, and the brighter background makes the images stand out more. 

Product Video

Overall, I feel like this project could have gone better. 

The worst part of this project was working with other people. It was hard to talk to them and I ended up doing a lot of the project on my own. The best part of this project was the posters. This was because I knew how to use the cameras and Photoshop so I could make different styles on there quite easily. The video was the hardest piece to produce because we did not have much time to create it and the clips that we had shot were quite shaky and they could have been better. Overall, I am happy with the poster adverts and I think that they showcase the product well. I chose to add the name of the product, and a short sentence about what it is. I took those words from the other adverts that we had researched. They were suitable to use in the advert because it did not violate any of the ASA codes, such as claiming that it is healthier, or making it appealing to minors. I used a shallow aperture to separate the product from the background, which made it the focal point for the viewers. I then added shadows to the text to make it pop out of the image and make it seem like its in the foreground like the product. 

For the video, we used bright colours in the text to make it stand out from the video. We used soft transitions to add to the mature atmosphere that we needed to create in the video so that it did not appeal to young audiences. throughout the entire advert we added the same "18+ only. May contain Nicotine"as the poster adverts. This made sure that we were not breaking any of the ASA rules otherwise our advert would not be broadcast, 

This is the video that me and Ben made. I shot it in the same place as the environmental poster shots. we did a shoot for the video in the studio but there wasn't many lights available and the video came out very yellow. It was hard to make because we only had one day to edit it all and none of us were very experienced with editing on premiere pro. The different shots I took were quite shaky as well so the video looked quite childish. 

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